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Why Cytonn Money Market Fund?
We offer Capital Preservation
Ease of Transaction
of Funds
Interest is earned
High interest returns on low-risk investment
Cytonn Balanced Fund
A balanced fund is a mutual fund that contains a stock component, a bond component, and sometimes a money market component in a single portfolio.
The Cytonn Balanced Fund is a product of Cytonn Asset Managers Limited (CAML), the regulated affiliate of Cytonn Investments Management Plc. Cytonn Balanced Fund is a medium risk fund that seeks to achieve a reasonable level of current income and offers investors long-term capital growth. The fund seeks to outperform the yield on available money market instruments like treasury bills and fixed deposits by maintaining a healthy diversified portfolio.
Download our application form here and start earning competitive returns.
The management fee for CMMF is currently at 2.0% Per Annum on the average Asset under Management of the Fund, and it accrues daily as such translating to a daily fee of 0.004%
Via Direct Deposit:
You shall receive a business confirmation in 24 hrs.
Via Pesalink:
You can deposit to the CMMF account in your preferred bank channel: USSD, mobile app, ATM, internet, agent or branch)
Step 1: Select “Send to Account” on the Pesalink menu option
Step 2: Enter Cytonn’s Money Market Fund Account Number “1222 1595 46”
Step 3: Select KCB Bank from the provided list of banks
Step 4: Enter the amount to deposit
Step 5: Enter your client code under the narration or reason section.
Step 6: Go to your online account via web or mobile app, create a top-up of the same amount you did via pesalink and attach the proof of payment
You shall receive a business confirmation in 24 hrs.
The funds are invested in high-quality interest bearing assets such as the Fixed Income instruments and other short term money market instruments such as the fixed deposits
A withholding tax of 15% for both residents and non-residents is paid on the interest earned and is remitted by the 20th day of each month. Yes, the tax is final since CMMF is a Collective Investment Scheme
There are a number of advantages of investing in a Money Market Fund:
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