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Why Cytonn Money Market Fund?
We offer Capital Preservation
Ease of Transaction
of Funds
Interest is earned
High interest returns on low-risk investment
Cytonn Asset Managers Limited (CAML), is the regulated affiliate of Cytonn Investments Management Plc. CAML is registered and licensed as a fund manager by both the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and the Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) in Kenya. Retirement Benefit Schemes provide the cornerstone of a financially secure retirement for employees through voluntary contributions for a period of time. At CAML we ensure that you get your safe and well-deserved retirement by offering these pension schemes:
Cytonn Personal Retirement Benefits Scheme
Cytonn Personal Retirement Benefits Scheme (CPRBS) is designed to enable individuals to save for their retirement by making regular contributions into this scheme during their working years and grow their retirement savings. The retirement age for this scheme is 60 years.
Benefits of CPRBS
Who Should Join?
To join Cytonn Personal Retirement Benefits Scheme, fill the Application Form
Cytonn Income Drawdown Fund
The Cytonn Income Drawdown Fund (CIDDF) provides individuals and members of Retirement Benefits Schemes an option to access their retirement benefits as a regular income through an investment fund upon retirement rather than taking up an annuity.
Who should join?
Cytonn Umbrella Retirement Benefits Scheme
Cytonn Umbrella Retirement Benefits Scheme(CURBS) targets organizations that do not have an occupational retirement benefits scheme or do not have the capacity to start one. It gives members of their staff an opportunity to regularly save for their retirement.
For more information on our pension products, download our Brochure
Learn more about pensions
The management fee for CMMF is currently at 2.0% Per Annum on the average Asset under Management of the Fund, and it accrues daily as such translating to a daily fee of 0.004%
Via Direct Deposit:
You shall receive a business confirmation in 24 hrs.
Via Pesalink:
You can deposit to the CMMF account in your preferred bank channel: USSD, mobile app, ATM, internet, agent or branch)
Step 1: Select “Send to Account” on the Pesalink menu option
Step 2: Enter Cytonn’s Money Market Fund Account Number “1222 1595 46”
Step 3: Select KCB Bank from the provided list of banks
Step 4: Enter the amount to deposit
Step 5: Enter your client code under the narration or reason section.
Step 6: Go to your online account via web or mobile app, create a top-up of the same amount you did via pesalink and attach the proof of payment
You shall receive a business confirmation in 24 hrs.
The funds are invested in high-quality interest bearing assets such as the Fixed Income instruments and other short term money market instruments such as the fixed deposits
A withholding tax of 15% for both residents and non-residents is paid on the interest earned and is remitted by the 20th day of each month. Yes, the tax is final since CMMF is a Collective Investment Scheme
There are a number of advantages of investing in a Money Market Fund:
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